Multi-Component Calibration Gas Mixture
Multi-Component Gas Mixtures are as the name suggests perfect blend or mixture of many gases. Different gases involved in the mixture are calibration gas, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, Carbon monoxide, oxygen, Methane, and Nitrogen. The percentage in which each of these gases are present is also different in proportion. These are packed in cylinders that are well painted and made rust proof and also the top of these cylinders are affixed by nozzles which relates the pressure of the enstored gas on pressing the nozzle. The color of these cylinders in which Multi-Component Gas Mixtures are delivered is white with the neck painted in yellow or red.
Few examples are given below
n-Butane 5.0% + n-Pentane 5.0% + cis-2-Butene 10.0% + Propane 10.0% + trans-2-Butene 10.0% + iso-Butane 15.0% + isobutylene 5.0% + Propylene Balance | CGM08086010
Hexane 0.100% + n-Pentane 0.150% + iso-Pentane 0.150% + neo-Pentane 0.150% + n-Butane 0.300% + iso-Butane 0.300% + Propane 1.000% + Carbon Dioxide 1.000% + Nitrogen 2.500% + Methane 4.000% + Ethane Balance | CGM03273610
Ethane 1.0ppm + Ethylene 1.0ppm + Propane 1.0ppm + Propylene 1.0ppm + N-Butane 1.0ppm + 1-Butene 1.0ppm + Cis 2 Butane 1.0ppm + Trans 2 Butane 1.0ppm + 1,3-1.0ppm+1- Benzene 1.0ppm+Toluene-1.0ppm+Nitrogen-Balance-1.0ppm + N-Hexane 1.0 ppm + Iso Butane 1.0 ppm + N Heptane- 1.0 ppm + Iso-Butylene 1.0 ppm + N-Pentane 1.0 ppm +iso Pentane Butadiene | CGM16194710
Other Calibration Gas Mixture
2-Component Gas Mixture | More Info… |
3-Component Gas Mixture | More Info… |
4-Component Gas Mixture | More Info… |
Multi-Component Gas Mixture | More Info… |
Emission Testing Gas Standard | More Info… |
Environmental Monitoring Gas Standard | More Info… |
Hydrocarbon Standard Gas Mixture | More Info… |
Instrument Gas Mixture for Calibration | More Info… |
NIST Traceable Gas Mixture | More Info… |
CNG Mixture for Standard | More Info… |